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Unlimited analytics in a single platform

Cloud Systems And Infrastructure

Cloud-native scalability

Sumo Logic's multi-tenant, cloud-native platform analyzes more than 800 petabytes of data and delivers millions of insights daily—enabling more than 2,100 customers to harness the power of machine data analytics to get continuous intelligence across operational, security, business, and global insights that provide a competitive advantage and differentiated customer experience.

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Built with security-first principle in and for the cloud, Sumo is dedicated to continue leading with security by design and our platform security.

Enable Devops

Unlimited users

The outdated model of charging for users doesn’t scale to the modern enterprise. Sumo Logic doesn’t charge for users and provides optimal performance no matter how many users need to leverage your data.

Pay less for more

  • Analyze all data at a fraction of the cost of traditional license models
  • Ingest fully indexed data starting at $0.10 per GB
  • Real-time alerts, dashboards, and search at scale for less than $1.00 per GB
  • Archive your data for free
Pay less for more

Analytic tiers

Don't overpay for your data analytics. Unlimited choices for tiering your data according to their value to you. Sumo Logic's innovative solution offers multiple analytic tiers:


Continuous analytics

Continuous tier to analyze mission-critical data sets where you need to monitor, dashboard, and alert in real-time. Example data sets include operational, security, and compliance data for ensuring health and security of IT apps and infrastructure

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Frequent analytics

Frequent tier for high usage ad-hoc analysis of data sets, where you are primarily focused only on unlimited searching and visualization of data. Example data sets include development and testing logs, product analytics data, etc.

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Infrequent analytics

Infrequent tier for on-demand and ad-hoc analysis of data sets, where you are primarily focused on unlimited searching and visualization of data. Example data sets include customer support use cases, details security investigations, unexpected outages etc.

Analytic tier chart

Real-world use cases

AWS management

Monitor AWS services like ELB , EC2, CloudTrail, S3, and VPC to give security and DevOps teams visibility into compute resources, databases, and security infrastructure. The outcome is secured services and increased awareness of infrastructure changes as they happen.

Common use case example:

A DevOps team keys in on ELB, EC2, and S3 as core sources. To confirm ELB is efficiently load balancing traffic, dashboards are used within the continuous tier. EC2 instances are optimized with occasional queries in the infrequent tier. S3 infrastructure changes are searched regularly but not utilized in dashboards, so the data is assigned to the frequent tier.

Performance configuration

  • Ingest: 1TB daily with 30 days retention
  • Source: ELB monitoring (40% of data) supported with the Continuous tier
  • Source: EC2 monitoring (40% of data) supported with the search on demand Infrequent tier
  • Source: S3 monitoring (20% of data) supported by unlimited search Frequent tier

Average price per GB ingested daily: $2.55*

*Estimated based on 1TB ingested daily with 30 days retention. On demand search estimate assumed at 100x daily Infrequent ingest.

GCP management

DevOps teams have the ability to gain insights into build pipelines, compute resources, and automated serverless functions by collecting GCP infrastructure including GCE, GKE, CloudCDN, and Cloud Functions.

Common use case example:

An SRE team allots half of its ingest to GKE in the continuous tier, knowing the team's shift to Kubernetes requires closely monitoring new pods and clusters. Cloud Functions data is kept in the infrequent tier, as their automated serverless tooling only requires occasional searches. GCE data is a fit for the frequent tier, allowing for common troubleshooting queries.

Performance configuration

  • Ingest: 1TB daily with 30 days retention
  • Source: GKE monitoring (50% of data) supported with the Continuous tier
  • Source: Cloud functions monitoring (20% of data) supported with search on demand Infrequent tier
  • Source: Compute engine monitoring (30% of data) supported by unlimited search Frequent tier

Average price per GB ingested daily: $3.15*

*Estimated based on 1TB ingested daily with 30 days retention. On demand search estimate assumed at 100x daily Infrequent ingest.

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