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Black Hat USA

Sumo Logic makes DevSecOps possible

Comprehensive threat detection, AI-driven alerting, and real-time threat intelligence — discover enterprise-class cloud security at cloud-native scale. Power DevSecOps with a unified, single source of truth for industry-leading results.

We didn’t invent DevSecOps

We made it affordable. We made it smarter. We made it possible.

Find insights faster

Integrated threat intelligence and AI-powered detection surface threats, optimize performance and troubleshoot security issues faster and more accurately. Unique analysis of your exposure based on MITRE ATT&CK® adversary tactics, techniques, and procedures against peer benchmarks. AI-driven alerting and AI-assisted log analytics to cut through the noise and reduce false positives. Streamline security investigations and decrease the MTTR with Sumo Logic Copilot, our ML-powered assistant. Simply use natural language and let Copilot do the heavy lifting by translating questions into queries and serving up actionable insights. The Sumo Logic SaaS Log Analytics Platform also features AI-powered remediation recommendations and pre-built and customizable automated playbooks to further reduce MTTR when an incident occurs.

Find insights faster

The Single source of truth

Sumo Logic creates a single source of truth built on the atomic level of logs. Centralize, index, and analyze your security logs in one platform to eliminate data silos and leverage integrated threat intelligence for improved decision-making and collaboration. Log all security events without leaving potentially crucial data on the floor with Sumo Logic’s Flex Licensing. Ingest now costs  $0, giving your organization the flexibility it needs to run comprehensive threat investigations using all your security data without concerns of cost overruns.

The Single source of truth

Break down silos

A unified platform that integrates with your existing security stack and workflows breaks down silos. Sumo Logic enables seamless collaboration with your Dev and Ops counterparts for faster communication and collaboration when it matters most. Bring teams and their data together in our new unified UI experience. Streamline your processes, improve productivity, and drive innovation with the Sumo Logic platform, Cloud SIEM, Cloud Infrastructure Security, and Automation Service.

Break down silos

Attend our sponsored events

Optiv Black Hat 2024 After Party

Wednesday, August 7, 2024
6pm - 9pm PT
Mandalay Bay, DAYLIGHT Beach Club


Meet with a Sumo Logic expert

Chat with Sumo Logic experts about comprehensive threat detection, AI-driven alerting, and real-time threat intelligence.